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Dr. Rad’s Patient Stories

Zoe’s Thrilled She Chose Dr. Rad Before Her IUGR Problems Began

Zoe’s Thrilled She Chose Dr. Rad Before Her IUGR Problems Began

Zoe Sara Haklili found comfort and expert care with Dr. Rad, ensuring a healthy, full-term pregnancy despite IUGR concerns.

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Dr. Rad’s optimism guides Mary’s neural tube disorder pregnancy

Dr. Rad’s Optimism Guides Mary’s Neural Tube Disorder Pregnancy

Dr. Rad’s optimism supports Mary after she learns her baby has a neural tube defect, a serious condition affecting 1 in 1,000 pregnancies.

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Dr. Rad’s optimism guides Mary’s neural tube disorder pregnancy

Dr. Rad’s optimism guides Mary’s neural tube disorder pregnancy

Dr. Rad’s optimism supports Mary after she learns her baby has a neural tube defect, a serious condition affecting 1 in 1,000 pregnancies.

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Shanley and Dr. Rad Prove That Successful Pregnancy After Placental Abruption Is Possible!

Despite a heartbreaking history of placental abruption, Shanley achieved a healthy second pregnancy and delivery with Dr. Rad’s support.

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Rebecca Travels From China for Dr. Rad’s Gentle C-Section Expertise

During her 2023 pregnancy, Rebecca Lu sought Dr. Rad’s expertise for a gentle, minimal-scar C-section, starting a trusting partnership.

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Braelyn’s HG Pregnancy Caused Never-ending Morning Sickness. Dr. Rad Stopped it in its Tracks

Braelyn’s HG Pregnancy Caused Never-ending Morning Sickness. Dr. Rad Stopped it in its Tracks

Dr. Rad diagnosed Braelyn's severe morning sickness as hyperemesis gravidarum and quickly controlled her symptoms.

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